Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tomorrow is the Beginning of Spring Break

Christopher is excited to get out and play.

Tomorrow is the last day of school before spring break starts.  There are a lot of holidays before we come back, including the Egyptian Spring’s Festival, Sham el Nessim.  It is the day celebrating the beginning of spring and always falls on the Monday after the Coptic Easter celebration.  The Copts are what Egyptian Christians are called, where Copt is an old word meaning Egyptian!  The Easter that we celebrate in the States is the week after Coptic Easter this year, but both holidays are what are called “Moveable Feasts,” which means they follow the calendar set by the moon, rather than the sun, and so are on different days each year. 

Spring break is especially exciting for me and Mommy this year because Mommy’s best friend Zach is coming to visit us.  He is bringing some friends with him and we are going to have a blast.  I will post pictures here and to Mommy’s Facebook page.  We are going to the pyramids and to visit the Library at Alexandria, and we’ll ride on a boat where they will feed us dinner!  It is so exciting!

‘Til next time,


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Field Day!

Christopher is a good sport.

Field day was on Friday, and even though all the teachers were grumbly about going in to school when we should have been asleep, it was a lot of fun.  Mommy was in charge of the Obstacle Course.  You had to run through each obstacle the right way, or Mommy made you go back and do it again.  Whee!  It was fun to watch.  Some of the other teachers did it, too, but not Mommy.  She had the timer.  She looked very official.  It was her job to remind all the kids which obstacle was which. 

Here’s me and Mommy dressed to play.chris_me_fieldday

We cheered for everyone equally, but I had really been hoping for Blue team to win.  At the end of the day, though, the White team had the most points.  We clapped for them and they got their picture taken with a giant trophy.  All the Blue team teachers got together for a picture, too.  They made ‘L’s with their fingers and instead of saying ‘cheese,’ all said ‘Losers!’  Losing’s not so bad if you have fun people to lose with, I think.  Next time there is a competition, though, we’re going to give our best for the Blue team and maybe we’ll win.

We had to stop early because most of the students and parents had to go to prayer.  But that was okay, because everyone was pretty tired by then, anyway.

Until next time.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tuesday is the new Wednesday

Christopher is very tired.

We took the bus to the Wadi Degla protectorate park on Sunday to go and study the rock formations there.  Most of the rock is limestone, which is whitish and has holes in it.  When you kick it or blow on it, it seems like sand comes off of it.  The kids all thought it was sandstone because of all the sand, but it is rougher to the touch than sandstone.

We ate lunch and then went on a scavenger hunt.  The kids had to find and describe 3 different types of rocks, make observations about the soil, and find things that did not belong in the park. 

We found lots of stuff that should not have been there.  Some people had not been following the rules of the park.  They were littering!  There were plastic bottles and glass pieces and chips bags.  We talked about the consequences of littering and what we can do to help protect the environment.

I’ll put up some pictures next week because Mommy forgot her camera.  I’ll have to get some from K. 

Also we’ll have Sports Day (field day) on Friday.  Mommy’s not happy to have to get up early on her day off, but we’ll be in charge of the obstacle course.  Everyone should help cheer for the blue team, because I don’t think Mommy’s going to be awake enough to cheer.


See you next time.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Christopher Returns!

I (and Mommy, too) have not been posting here as often as I (we) should have.  But all that is going to change.  Mommy and I are back online.

Since you last heard from us, we have moved two times.  Our new apartment is in 5th Settlement in New Cairo, nearer to the school.  This means Mommy gets to sleep in later. 

As far as school goes, it is very tiring.  This week is the week of field trips.  We visited a bird farm and fed some geese.  Mommy’s camera ran out of charge after only 3 pictures.  The kids all said it was boring.  Sunday we will go to Wadi Degla.  Mommy planned this trip herself and she hopes the kids will like it better.  Here is some more information about the park:  http://www.egyptheritage.com/pub_brochure.html

We are going to try and make a regular update schedule out of Saturdays and Tuesdays.  Tuesday in Egypt is the middle of the week, because we start on Sundays instead of Mondays!  This is because Friday is the holy day here, so we never ever have school.

See you on Tuesday!